Arthur Schopenhauer said :
"A man can do what he wants, but not want what he wants"
Sunday, October 21, 2012
do not be evil
somebody say that anyway I found it in framework
well, I do not know because I do not have Gingerbread sources on my PC last time worked with Cyanogenmod is this a Google "addition" or comes as a "gift" from manufacturer/ gsm carrier ?
maybe used as a background when checking for fota update ?
pretty bastards ? :)
Easter eggs ? (joke)
got more? tell me to know
Saturday, October 20, 2012
add favorite applications
How to customize this ROM with your favorite applications
-testsign.jar from source
this ROM comes as a .zip file (archive) but self-signed
to customize it by your favorite apps and keep only features do like this
- delete what you want from /data/app and add here your favorite apps
- you can rename an apk file as you want i.e.
change this
to this ( no matter it works )
-never add apk files to /system/app (at least about /system partition size - overwhelmed )
-take care when removing files from /system/app but if you decide to risk well,
i.e. if you decide to delete /system/app/Calculator.apk then you are to delete this file too
-finally you have to sign .zip archive before to flash it by CWM Recovery
-check zip archive for /Meta-inf folder for older signature files you can delete it
-copy testsign.jar and ROM archive in the same folder and name it (for this example)
-say that you copy it to C:\temp then open cmd and cd to this folder now sign
java -classpath testsign.jar testsign
you get rename if you want and flash it ...
Adobe Flash Player
some discussions on XDA about Flash regarding this phone and there is already posted a link for it ...
starting with Android 4.1 there is no official support for flash just because Adobe dropped it in favor of HTML5 - browser will use internal decoder for video /audio rendering it means no external plug-in for this matter !
There is a long discussion what decoder to use ?! - it's about patents infringements you know if not read about long dispute Apple- Samsung - shortly Apple's statement is that:
" I'm the first to do round wheels yours are square from this moment ! "
somebody said Apple = Stupid
... anyway discussion will be closed -about 2020s then everybody will know about
on OT-908 if you are searching for a Flash plug-in well why not to use Dolphin Browser- it supports Flash and it's very fast - based on WebKit engine; or use MX Player from Market to play .flv videos
screen locker
an example how to work with .dex files :
this phone has 2 different screen lockers ( ! ) how to change between them ?
well, take android.policy.jar from the phone and unpack classes.dex (read previous post)
look inside classout folder and open LockPatternKeyguardView.smali open it
I use Notepad++ now search for method method createLockScreen (line 1475)
inside the code are defined 2 screen lockers to be used on the phone
- JrdLockScreen
- TMOLockScreen
then a code to switch between them ( line 1548 )
so change this
.packed-switch 0x0
to this code ( change order )
.packed-switch 0x0
save the file compile and put it back on the phone ( read previous post )
reboot and remember that : first boot can take longer - to rebuild Dalvik-cache
on Robinson ROM after changing the code it should look like this ( yes it works for Move ROM too)
disassembling .dex files
- android.policy.jar (an example)
- disassembler from
to get android.policy.jar from the phone use
adb pull /system/framework/android.policy.jar c:/temp/android.policy.jar
android.policy.jar in a java archive so extract classes.dex copy both classes.dex and disassembler files to a working folder (c:/temp) and open a cmd line to that folder
to disassemble dex file input
java -Xmx512M -jar baksmali.jar -o classout classes.dex
and wait for an /classout folder
when editing source files use a decent source code editor like Notepad++ or Kate/ Vim for Linux never use notepad from Windows - this is not bad but it's as he says : a "note" editor only so will not recognize/ save smali-file syntax elements
I used this when working to change default screen-locker on Move ROM or to add new entries to Power Menu
when finishing the job put it back together
java -Xmx512M -jar smali.jar classout -o classes.dex
then replace new classes.dex on original android.policy.jar and then push it back on phone
adb push android.policy.jar /system/framework/android.policy.jar
- android.policy.jar (an example)
- disassembler from
to get android.policy.jar from the phone use
adb pull /system/framework/android.policy.jar c:/temp/android.policy.jar
android.policy.jar in a java archive so extract classes.dex copy both classes.dex and disassembler files to a working folder (c:/temp) and open a cmd line to that folder
to disassemble dex file input
java -Xmx512M -jar baksmali.jar -o classout classes.dex
and wait for an /classout folder
when editing source files use a decent source code editor like Notepad++ or Kate/ Vim for Linux never use notepad from Windows - this is not bad but it's as he says : a "note" editor only so will not recognize/ save smali-file syntax elements
I used this when working to change default screen-locker on Move ROM or to add new entries to Power Menu
when finishing the job put it back together
java -Xmx512M -jar smali.jar classout -o classes.dex
then replace new classes.dex on original android.policy.jar and then push it back on phone
adb push android.policy.jar /system/framework/android.policy.jar
Sunday, October 14, 2012
apk working with them
-APK Manager (get it from somewhere search on XDA)
-Android SDK install it from sources
-JRE - search for Java Runtime and install it by default options
-to check your java version open cmd.exe and input java -version if you get error "not found" or something like that just install JRE or check if java folder is set to your path/ system variables - search somewhere how to do that
now open APK Manager (this is ver. 5.0.2) by script.bat located in program's folder
a window will be shown it looks like this
the most important options here are :
23- read important tips, request help link
22- set a project ( .apk file ) to work with
9 - to decompile an apk
11- to compile it back with modified sources/ resources
if you get in trouble comment this post or request help on XDA thread (original)
to start up just copy framework-res.apk to /place-apk-here-for-modding folder then open application by script.bat now prompt 22 and press enter to select desired apk to work with; in this case I select 3 then press enter to turn back to main window
now select 9 to decompile apk wait a while then look in /projects folder for application's files (decompiled); start editing files then compile it back by 11 option; when compiling you get a message press y for 2 times
..then look in the new-created /keep folder (this is important in fact everything is important because you work with an essential Android file ! ) if you omit this step nothing will be saved - you lost your work so proceed carefully with this step too- in this folder delete everything (every .jpg, .png ) that was changed by you and delete resources.arsc for the case you changed/ edited .xml files anyway you get the warning
..return to app window and press enter to continue compilation finally you get OK if everything is well done, now return where you started - /place-apk-here-for-modding folder then look for unsignedframework-res.apk you have to rename it to framework-res.apk and copy to phone but use adb utility not Root Explorer because it's a system file
1. pay attention to *9.png files i.e. btn_dropdown_pressed.9.png is a *9.png file read somewhere how to edit these "expandable" images yes you can edit it by your favorite photo editor no problems but never ever do that - to touch black borders here I open above *.9.png by draw9patch.bat ( placed in android-sdk/tools folder)
one is to read about these black dots before to edit/change them
2. anytime you get a compiling error solve that before to flash framework to phone look at log.txt file for details
3. - edit .smali files to change code/ functionality
- edit .xml files to change appearance/ Android interface
sometimes it's not enough to edit framework-res.apk files are correlated i.e. to add new options/ entries to Power Menu you edit framework-res.apk to add resources (strings/ icons) and android.policy.jar to add functionality (action to run when pressing an option from Menu )
4. never sign a system apk so do not use 12 option
5. to get/ put framework from/to phone you can use adb push/ pull from SDK or you can use APK Manager
0 - pull/get file from phone
8 - push/send file to phone
to use these options you have to set environment variable tell Windows where to search for adb executable
6. this is not a detailed guide "how to do everything with apk" you should manage yourself to decompile an apk if you just want to change it anyway I try my best to change this based on your feedback - just comment it !
Cyanogenmod a friend
Starting with CWM Recovery - ported from CM sources, Cyanogenmod is a source of inspiration for me adding new and interesting features to this ROM and here is a new one coming to this Robinson ROM - not available on Move ROM : screenshot
It works by pressing power button : open an app press power button and your choice is "screenshot" then it happens a picture of that app window will be saved to
a hundred thanks to Cyanogenmod community !
well, here is a picture to prove it I made a screenshot by this feature just to remember that location where screenshots are saved to :)
when you tap on screenshot in menu system will call an intent android.intent.action.SCREENSHOT handled by CMScreenshot.apk then using a script/ code placed in system folder a screenshot is saved to sdcard
by the way : I used Wifi File Explorer (no usb cable, by default installed ) to copy this picture from the phone
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Android is ..Linux
remember this keys combination from Linux
how to do something like that on your device
open a Terminal / ConnectBot and insert
busybox killall system_server
I think this is the best task-killer for Android my intention is to implement this as an option in Power Menu
Thursday, September 27, 2012
-a2sd useful commands here, use Terminal/ ConnectBot to input commands
-a2sd works with ext4 partition before to use enter CWM Recovery and create an ext4 part
(from recovery menu select Advanced/ Partition SD Card )
-a2sd works with ext4 partition before to use enter CWM Recovery and create an ext4 part
(from recovery menu select Advanced/ Partition SD Card )
a2sd check : a2sd status -displays information as where your apps/ cache/ data are placed
a2sd cachesd : to move Dalvik-cache to /sd-ext partition of sdcard you get at least 40-50 MB free on internal memory and I think that's great because this phone's internal memory is only 160 MB
a2sd nocache : move Dalvik back to the internal memory well do this if you experience low performance or system errors ( apps will crash) it is possible if you have a poor quality sdcard for me it works without problems
a2sd datasd : /data/data to /sd-ext/data to get even more free space
a2sd nodata : move back to internal memory
a2sd reinstall : move apps to external /sd-ext partition - it's not possible to move all apps
a2sd remove : move all apps back to internal
a2sd help : even more ! get a full list of commands available
1. It is very important to move everything to sd-ext to get as much as possible free space on internal memory so move cache/application data/applications on sd-ext ! Above image is from my phone with ~ 40-50 installed apps -I got low-space message from phone of course; note that on some poor quality sdcards you can experiment crashes /hard-soft reboots then only solution is to buy a better quality sd card do not forget that important system files are placed/ cached here for now !
This is the way to keep hundreds of applications installed !
2. in order for a2sd to work on this phone as you know... firstly enter Recovery Mode and format sdcard to add an ext partition - in Menu select Advanced/ Partition SD Card
3.every app2sd app from Market work by pushing only parts of that app to sdcard it means that your internal memory becomes overwhelmed at one time... and some apps displaying a widget will not work (widget is not shown on workspace) well, a2sd has no limitations everything depends of your sdcard size and widgets will work just because this application uses an /ext partition not a /fat one - /ext is mounted to the system correctly /fat has some problems with "rights" so widgets will work only for this great a2sd application/ toolset in fact ! - thanks again Darktremor
1. It is very important to move everything to sd-ext to get as much as possible free space on internal memory so move cache/application data/applications on sd-ext ! Above image is from my phone with ~ 40-50 installed apps -I got low-space message from phone of course; note that on some poor quality sdcards you can experiment crashes /hard-soft reboots then only solution is to buy a better quality sd card do not forget that important system files are placed/ cached here for now !
This is the way to keep hundreds of applications installed !
2. in order for a2sd to work on this phone as you know... firstly enter Recovery Mode and format sdcard to add an ext partition - in Menu select Advanced/ Partition SD Card
3.every app2sd app from Market work by pushing only parts of that app to sdcard it means that your internal memory becomes overwhelmed at one time... and some apps displaying a widget will not work (widget is not shown on workspace) well, a2sd has no limitations everything depends of your sdcard size and widgets will work just because this application uses an /ext partition not a /fat one - /ext is mounted to the system correctly /fat has some problems with "rights" so widgets will work only for this great a2sd application/ toolset in fact ! - thanks again Darktremor
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
how to flash recovery without PC
if you have a problem plugging the phone, broken cable or jack, to get recovery on the phone in order to flash a ROM or anything do like this:
copy recovery.img to sdcard
enter Terminal Emulator then enter these commands :
flash_image recovery /mnt/sdcard/recovery.img
reboot recovery
copy recovery.img to sdcard
enter Terminal Emulator then enter these commands :
flash_image recovery /mnt/sdcard/recovery.img
reboot recovery
Saturday, September 15, 2012
benchmarking PI
Monday, September 3, 2012
About Gapps
-download a package that works for you - OS Froyo/2.2
I used also flash this package by CWM
It's obvious that not all gapps from these packages will fully work for 908 i.e. the one above is made for HTC Passion = Nexus One so I have to prepare a specific package for this phone only
I dropped it - old story :)
.now every (?) stock rom comes with many of them for the rest search on Market - it seems Google started to publish on Market these applications !
anyway is not good practice to flash a zip package to /system folder
Gapps are closed source applications developed and maintained by Google.
You have at least one of them on your phone- Google Play Store.
many stock ROMs got this package at least some of them usually is not good to include these apps in custom roms because they are closed source so it's hard to get customized.
I removed in Move ROM all these except for Google Play if you think you need them then
-download a package that works for you - OS Froyo/2.2
I used also flash this package by CWM
It's obvious that not all gapps from these packages will fully work for 908 i.e. the one above is made for HTC Passion = Nexus One so I have to prepare a specific package for this phone only
I dropped it - old story :)
.now every (?) stock rom comes with many of them for the rest search on Market - it seems Google started to publish on Market these applications !
anyway is not good practice to flash a zip package to /system folder
Sunday, September 2, 2012
- ported from Cyanogenmod 7
-full backup - it's about /custpack partition you know about that problem on the previous version
-comes in flashable .zip format -use old CWM to flash it
-download link on XDA post #332
-full backup - it's about /custpack partition you know about that problem on the previous version
-comes in flashable .zip format -use old CWM to flash it
-download link on XDA post #332
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Move 3.0
Move 3.0 added support for new languages and Regina Launcher (modds )
I decided to change ADW Launcher just because it has some bugs and Regina is more attractive as features :
-3D workspaces
-visual effects
-secret workspace
and others for more see online help from /Settings/Regina Setting or online
one question: if there is no option to set a secret workspace then from /Regina Settings reset to default settings !
A good theme for this phone even if based on different launcher is made by jwkk
I decided to change ADW Launcher just because it has some bugs and Regina is more attractive as features :
-3D workspaces
-visual effects
-secret workspace
and others for more see online help from /Settings/Regina Setting or online
one question: if there is no option to set a secret workspace then from /Regina Settings reset to default settings !
A good theme for this phone even if based on different launcher is made by jwkk
key asserts for OT-908 models S/F/A
to solve sensor-keys problem use a decent editor like Notepad++
create a new file and edit it with this content
key 158 MENU
key 139 SEARCH
key 217 BACK
create a new file and edit it with this content
key 158 MENU
key 139 SEARCH
key 217 BACK
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Introducing Move ROM
- based on Alcatel stock-rom 2.2 Android
- deodexed, zipaligned
- removed stock apps
- add busybox/ root explorer /terminal emulator/bash
- removed/ replaced stock apks
- Regina Launcher
- add root/ cwm recovery
- add /data/app feature
- add /etc/init.d scripting support
- add a2sd
- moved Dalvik-cache to sd-ext for more free space
- improve gps accuracy
- modded status bar
- battery lasts longer
- add reboot/recovery/fastboot to Power Menu
- system tweaks
- undervolting
more details on
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